Sunday, January 26, 2014

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what diode and how to use

diode is basically semi conductor device it' use a.c and d.c when it's use a.c it's work as switch means during positive cycle it's on and  when negative circle come it's diode is off    when d.c  use diode work as short  circuit means diode never off .  when a.c single pass then his out put pulsating  d.c value is greater then a.c value because.                                                                                                                                                                      D.C=1.414A.C SO PULSATING D.C OUT OUT GREATER THEN A.C VOLTAGE and when d.c input use his out put d.c voltage is less the d.c input voltage because some voltage drop across the diode.

diode also uses flow of current forward diode flow of current always opposite direction flow of electron. 




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